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Purchase one or more 5lb bags, SAVE 16%

Messy Room

$ 17.50$ 116.67

SKU: messy-room Categories: , , ,

Messy Room

Excels in all applications; IDEAL ESPRESSO

Sweet, floral aroma; tangy, chocolate and sugar coated flower petals; full body

Dark Roast

A delicious fusion of chocolatey Central and South American beans, exotic spiciness from East Africa, and buttery smoothness from Indonesia.  A clean, full-bodied blend with a hit of spice at the finish.  Messy Room is a highly recommended espresso blend.

Ingredients: 100% Organic and Ethically Sourced Coffee Beans

How To Store: Store in a cool, dry, airtight environment.  Do not refrigerate, avoid freezing
How To Brew: From cowboy to cappuccino, you can use Oso Negro coffee for whatever suits your fancy.  Consult us directly or the internet for tips, tricks and techniques

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Coffee Type



Ethiopia Natural – Yirgacheffe Gedeb 3 Banko Gotiti, Guatemala – CCDA, Honduras – RAOS Marcala, Java – Kayumas Taman Dadar Wet Hulled, Nicaragua – Miraflor

Growing Region

Africa, Americas, Indonesia


12oz bag, 5lb bulk bag